
Reletated Conference

2018 International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation/ The 12th Chinese Conference on Robotic Welding


余春 工学博士,副研究员/博士生导师

update time:2024/7/4 12:20:08 read:570






工学博士,上海交通大学副研究员,博士生导师。主要研究方向为金属增材制造及过程检测与控制、微电子互连、数值建模与模拟等。主持国家自然科学基金项目、核电重大专项子课题、上海市重点攻关项目子课题、上海市引进技术的吸收与创新年度计划子课题、国际合作项目、医工交叉项目等20余项。曾获2010年上海市优博,2014年入选上海交通大学“SMC-晨星青年学者奖励计划B)类,获2019年度上海市科技进步一等奖和2023年度中国核能行业协会科学技术奖二等奖。在Journal of Materials Science and TechnologyAdditive ManufacturingScripta MaterialiaMaterials Science and Engineering A等国际知名期刊发表学术论文100余篇,H因子22。授权发明专利5项。《Transaction on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing》国际期刊编委。



[1] 工程材料性能和选用(本科生,秋季)

[2] 材料工程管理(本科生,秋季)

[3] 材料加工过程的建模与控制方法(研究生,春季)



[1] Haodong Wang, Chun Yu*, Moqiu Li, Yi Zheng, Junmei Chen, Jieshi Chen, Hao Lu, Jijin Xu*. Mechanisms of plastic deformation and mechanical strengthening in nano-scale Ti-Ti2Cu eutectoids: A study combined molecular dynamics simulation and experiment. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 193(2024): 146-159.

[2] Haodong Wang, Chun Yu*, Shuai Wang, Ziyu Tian, Jijin Xu, Junmei Chen, Hao Lu, Bo Xu*, Zhiyuan Yu, Jieshi Chen. A bimodal microstructure to improve the strength-ductility properties of Ti-Cu alloys by using eutectoid reactive laser depositing. Materials Science and Engineering A 901 (2024) 146532.

[3] Wang Shuai, Yu Chun, Yin Hongfei, Li Chuanzong, Wang Haodong, Miao Yuxin, Yuan Yong, Xu Jijin*. The mechanism and regulation of hot cracking in a new complex-concentrated alloy by a novel integrated directed energy deposition [J]. Additive Manufacturing, 80(2024): 103948.

[4] Chun Yu, Haodong Wang, Zhiyuan Yu, Yifeng Huang, Min Xi, Junmei Chen, Jijin Xu, Hao Lu. Improving mechanical properties and isotropy of laser DED 17-4 PH stainless steel by combining ultrasonic vibration. Scripta Materialia 236 (2023) 115673

[5] Haodong Wang, Chun Yu*, Zhiyuan Yu, Yifeng Huang, Xiaoning Zhang, Le Mei, Jieshi Chen, Yajie Wang, Hao Lu, Jijin Xu*. Revealing the evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties with energy density to achieve high-strength Ti-6wt%Cu alloy by laser metal deposition. Materials Science and Engineering A 885 (2023) 145599.

[6] Yi Zheng, Chuanzong Li, Jingren Xie, Zhiyuan Yu, Yajie Wang, Jieshi Chen, Hao Lu*, Chun Yu*. Effects of thermal history of in-situ thermal management on as-built property heterogeneity of plasma arc additively manufactured Inconel 625. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 25 (2023) 2654-2675.

[7] Zhiyuan Yu, Ze Chai, Chun Yu*, Junmei Chen, Jijin Xu, Hao Lu*. Microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of additive manufactured 17-4 PH steel with a periodic layer structure. Materials Science and Engineering A 849 (2022) 143527.

[8] Yi Zheng, Zhiyuan Yu, Jingren Xie, Junmei Chen, Chun Yu, Jijin Xu, Hao Lu. A numerical model-based deposition strategy for heat input regulation during plasma arc-based additive manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing 58(2022): 102986.

[9] 余春,徐济进,魏啸,陆皓。核级镍基合金焊接材料失塑裂纹研究现状。金属学报58 (2022) 545-556.



[1] 集群焊接设备运行数据自动采集与应用分析,横向

[2] 超声激励电源及控制系统研制,横向

[3] 基于机器视觉的焊缝表面质量智能检测系统开发,横向



[1] 2023年中国核能行业协会科学技术进步奖二等奖

[2] 2019年上海市科技进步奖一等奖

[3] 2010年上海市优秀博士论文

[4] 2014年上海交通大学“SMC-晨星青年学者奖励计划B)类

[5] 上海交通大学优秀共产党员

[6] 上海交通大学优秀班主任



[1] 一种提高激光熔化沉积铝合金成形件强韧性的方法,ZL202111405267.5

[2] 一种焊接热裂纹敏感性的综合评价方法,ZL202011225389.1

[3] 基于DIC焊接动态应变测试的高温散斑制备方法,ZL201510152534.0

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