
Reletated Conference

2018 International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation/ The 12th Chinese Conference on Robotic Welding


Professor Chen was awarded the Special Professor Position - Cheung Kong Scholar

update time:2010/4/27 16:05:28 read:5792

2000' Prof. Chen was awarded the Special Professor position, Cheung Kong Scholar Program
Grantor: Ministry of Education of P. R. China & Li Ka Shing Foundation, Hong Kong

* Remarks: The Cheung Kong Scholar Program is to award those young scientists who have made outstanding academic contributions in relevant scientific field, in every year from 1998, about thousands applicants from all over the world are applying for the Cheung Kong Scholar Program and only about one hundred persons are authorized by Ministry of Education of P. R. China & Li Ka Shing Foundation, Hong Kong. The Cheung Kong Scholar Program is the highest academic contribution prize in Ministry of Education of P. R. China). Up till now, Prof. Chen still is only person authorized in the Cheung Kong Scholar Program among the welding field scientists of China.

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