
Reletated Conference

2018 International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation/ The 12th Chinese Conference on Robotic Welding



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Zhi-fen Zhang Ph.D Candidate

Intelligentized Robotic Welding Technology Laboratory Material Building F, Room 203, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dongchuan Road No.800, Shanghai, China, 200240

Tel: +86-13661662344, Email



09/2010 ~ 07/2015: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Materials Processing Engineering, Ph.D.

11/2013~ 10/2014: The University of Michigan, Mechanical Engineering, Visiting Student

 09/2003~07/2010: Lanzhou University of Technology, Material Science and Engineering, B.S.& M.S


Research Interests:

Monitoring and defect prediction for welding process; Multisensory data fusion, signal processing and modeling;

Research Experience:

· Monitoring of ultrasonic welding process using acoustic emission sensor (In UM)
· Prediction of Vibration Stress Release for welding plate using acoustic emission sensor(In UM)
· National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC):
1. On line prediction and compensation controlling of weld defect for Al alloy in TIG welding based on intelligent processing of arc feature information(In SJTU)

2. Multi-information-based intelligent characterization for keyhole welding pool of Al alloy in variable polarity plasma arc welding and controlling of weld formation  (In SJTU)

3. Real-time quality monitoring and controlling for resistance spot welding based on feature analyzing of dynamic signals (In LUT)
· Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology: Develop of multi-information collecting system and real-time quality monitoring for dynamic welding process (In SJTU)

Work Experience:

· 2014.06.09-06.13, Volunteer, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC 2014); Detroit & Ann Arbor, USA
· 2014.10.25-10.28, Volunteer, The 10th International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (RWIA’2014), Shanghai, China
· 2012.10.05-10.09, Volunteer, The 9th Conference of Chinese Robotic Welding ; Beijing, China
· 2010.10.07-10.10, Volunteer, The 9th International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (RWIA’2010), Shanghai, China

Paper Presentations (*Presenter)

Best Paper by Zhifen Zhang and Shanben Chen (2012, October) The 9th Conference of Chinese Robotic Welding; Beijing, China
Best Presentation by Zhifen Zhang (2014, October) “Multisensory-based Real-time Quality Monitoring using Data-Driven method in Arc Welding” The 10th RWIA’2014, Shanghai, China

Honors and Awards:

· Excellence awards for graduate academic research, RWLAB, 2015
· Quanwei Wu Scholarship for Outstanding Graduate, SJTU, 2013
· Scholarship for Ph.D. Candidate from Graduate School, SJTU, 2013
· Outstanding Graduate from LUT, 2007
   Second Scholarship from LUT, 2005, 2006

Technical Skills:

· Fluent English (both written and spoken) and excellent communication skills IELTS: 6.0 (Listening: 6.0 Reading: 6.0 Writing: 6.0 Speaking: 6.0) (12/2013-12/2015)
· Certified LabView Associate Developer (04/20/2014-04/20/2016)
· Expert Programming of KUKA Robotics (05/21/2011)
· Experience with LabView, Matlab and Origin
·Solid technical writing, presentation and project management


·Zhifen Zhang, Huabing Chen, Jiyong Zhong, Shanben Chen. “Multisensor-Based Real-time Quality Monitoring by means of Feature Extraction, Selection and Modeling for Al alloy in Arc Welding”,“Mechanical systems and signal processing.” 60 (2015): 151-165.
·Zhifen Zhang, Shanben Chen. “Real-time seam penetration identification in arc welding based on fusion of sound, voltage and spectrum signals”, “Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing”, (2014):1-12
·Zhifen Zhang, E K Asibu Jr, SB Chen, “On-line Quality Monitoring for Al alloy pulsed GTAW based on Feature Extraction and Selection of Arc Spectroscopy Signal”, “International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology” (2015): 1-11.
· Zhifen Zhang, Huanwei Yu, Na Lv, and Shanben Chen. "Real-time defect detection in pulsed GTAW of Al alloys through on-line spectroscopy." Journal of Materials Processing Technology 213, no. 7 (2013):1146-1156.

· Zhifen Zhang, Xizhang Chen, Huabin Chen, Jiyong Zhong, and Shanben Chen. "Online welding quality monitoring based on feature extraction of arc voltage signal." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 70.9-12 (2014): 1661-1671.

·Zhifen Zhang, Ji-yong Zhong, Yu-xi Chen, and Shan-ben Chen. "Feature extraction and modeling of welding quality monitoring in pulsed gas touch argon welding based on arc voltage signal." Journal of ShanghaiJiaotong University (Science) 19 (2014): 11-16.

·Zhifen Zhang and Shanben Chen. “Data-Driven Feature Selection for Multisensory Quality Monitoring in Ar, c Welding.” The proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation.

·Pengxian Zhang, Zhifen Zhang and Jianhong Chen. “Online Diagnosis of Joints Quality in Resistance Spot Welding for Sedan Body.” The proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Robotic Welding,Intelligence and Automation.
·Na Lv, Yanling Xu, Zhifen Zhang, Jifeng Wang, Bo Chen, Shanben Chen. “Audio sensing and modeling of arc dynamic characteristic during pulsed Al alloy GTAW process”. Sensor review, 2013, 33(2):141-156.
· Huanwei Yu, Huabin Chen, Yanling Xu, Zhifen Zhang, Shanben Chen. “Spectroscopic diagnostics of pulsed gas tungsten arc welding plasma and its effect on weld formation of Al-Mg alloy”. Spectroscopy Letters,2013, 46(5): 350-363.
·Pengxian Zhang, Zhifen Zhang, Jianhong Chen. “Diagnostic model for Visual defects of joints in Resistance Spot Welding”, “Transaction of China Welding Institution”, 23(2011):5-8.
· Zhifen Zhang, Pengxian Zhang, Jianhong Chen. “Prediction of nugget area in RSW”, ”Electric Welding Machine”, 40(2010):72-74.




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