
Reletated Conference

2018 International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation/ The 12th Chinese Conference on Robotic Welding


Completion of Training Courses for the 7th KUKA & 3th CWS-RAC Welding Robot

update time:2012/12/2 22:19:54 read:6852
     Thanks to strong supports from the German KUKA Robotics Corporation, Office of Academic Affairs, School of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Mechanical
Engineering as well as School of Electric Information and Electrical Engineering, SJTU, the seventh issue of the KUKA Robot professional programmers Training classes organized by KUKA robot - Shanghai Jiao Tong University Technology Training Center started on October 27, 2012, and had a satisfactory completion on November 25, 2012.
     On November 29, 2012 under the leadership of Wei Shanchun who is the director of the   Market Development Department of Shanghai Jiao Tong University employment centers, trainees visited the KUKA Flexible Systems Manufacturing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. which is located in Songjiang Shanghai, all teachers and students received the warm reception. The event day Mr. George Young, the Chief Technology Officer of the KUKA Robot Co., Ltd. (Shanghai), warmly welcomed teachers and students on behalf of the company, and gave speech to the visitors about information of the KUKA Robotics Corporation headquarters in Germany and the overview of the development in China; Training Department Manager Mr. Johnny Pan introduced KUKA's new robot and concrete examples of engineering application, answered students’ questions about KUKA robot technology, and led participants to visit KUKA robots collaborative work system.

 Introducing KUKA's new robot and concrete examples of engineering application by Mr. Johnny Pan

Finally, Mr.George Young awarded the KUKA robot professional programmers qualifications to trainees who participated in training and passed the examination. In training courses 15 students passed the assessment and received the KUKA Robot professional programmer senior qualification issued by the KUKA robot Co., Ltd. and the KUKA robots -Shanghai Jiao Tong University Technical Training Center.
                           Mr. George Young certified for students and had a group photo taken
      At the same time, the third session of the welding robot technology training brought to a successful close, held by "CWS - RAC Welding Robot Technology Training Center" which is established by "Robotics and Automation Professional Committee" belonging to the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society Welding Society. Graduation ceremony was held in the robot welding intelligent technology laboratory room 208 of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, training center teachers and students of the third CWS - RAC welding robot technology trainees attended the graduation ceremony. Trainees completed primary technical training course of the corresponding type of welding robot operation programming, and obtained certifications issued by the CWS - RAC Training Center.
Finally Professor Chen Shanben and Professor Chen Weidong respectively made a speech on encouragement in the ceremony. Professor Chen Shanben said, setting up training center is not for profit, but providing a learning robot operation platform for the students and all kinds of social people. All the students thought that in today's big background of industrial production mechanization and intelligence, it was very necessary to be familiar with various types of robot. They appreciated KUKA – Jiao Tong University Training Center and CWS - RAC Training Center to provide the opportunity to study and communication. Finally, training center teachers and all the students had a group photo taken as a souvenir.

  Training center teachers and students had a group photo taken

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