



如果你的论文已被IEEE-ARSO 2016接收, 请仔细阅读论文评审意见和下文的提交指南,并与2016年6月15日前提交论文终稿. 论文中至少有一名作者在6月30日前注册并缴费成功.

你需登录Paperplaza会议论文管理系统 之后按照指示提交论文.论文终稿页数应控制在4-6页. 对于论文多于6页的部分, 作者需额外支付 USD 100/ RMB 650 /页的费用



论文全文应使用IEEE会议信纸并以pdf形式提交. MS Word and LaTex 的论文模板可以在IEEE pdf测试页面找到.

为确保您的论文成功被会议收录, 需满足如下要求:

  1. 2016年6月15日之前上传PDF格式论文终稿
  2. 2016年6月15日之前上传ppt or pptx格式的一页摘要
  3. (可选) 视频 (不超过 5 MB) 、Summary.txt 和 ReadMe.txt (cf. 步骤 6).


步骤 内容
步骤 1 To upload your final paper to ARSO2016 in PaperPlaza, you first need to register for the conference via PaperPlaza. During the registration process, you will be asked to enter the submission number of the papers you want to upload. After completing your registration, you will receive a confirmation email form PaperPlaza.
Note:Only the corresponding author could submit the final paper through the system
步骤 2 Prepare your final paper using the available LaTeX or Microsoft Word templates while following the given paper preparation instructions. Make sure to have the latest templates and do not change the formatting in any way. IMPORTANT: The required page size for ARSO 2016 is A4 size, please adjust the needed lines in your LaTeX sources or use the appropriate Word template. If your paper is accompanied by a video, an explicit reference to the accompanying video should be present in the text of the paper.
步骤 3 Check that the names of all authors and their order is identical in the PaperPlaza submission system, the paper, the digest page, and the accompanying video (if applicable). Please write author names with only the first letter capitalized, that is, use “Firstname Lastname” in all instances and do not use “FIRSTNAME LASTNAME” anywhere.
步骤 4 You need to create a PDF version of your paper using the PDF writer of your choice and perform the IEEE PDF compliance test. Please limit the size of the PDF file to be less than 2MB. If your paper does not pass the test, you cannot continue and may read the PDF Test Help to revise the format of your paper until it passes the test.
步骤 5 During the conference, a Digest will be distributed to all participants. Please prepare one (and only one) PowerPoint slide that illustrates your paper. Use the ARSO 2016 Digest Template. Please do not change the template and keep fonts and font sizes as present in the template. Please also note that the digest will be printed in black and white.
步骤 6 Optional Multimedia/Video Attachment Submissions (limit three minutes) can be added to supplement accepted papers. All video contributions (a self-contained 1.5-3 minutes video connected with a paper accepted to ARSO 2016 ) must consist of a mpeg file (max. 5 MB), that will be included on the proceedings, as well as a README and a SUMMARY file (see explanation below).
It is mandatory to use the most common media formats (mpg, mpeg 1 or mpeg 4). Any other extensions will be blocked. The video contributions should not have any commercial pitch and the authors of each video must have clear copyright of the audio and visual content. Accepted video contributions will be included in the Conference proceedings and also in IEEE Xplore. There, the video will appear as an enhanced object next to the PDF of the summarizing text (a sort of short paper). If your paper features a video attachment, please prepare the following two plain text files:
  • Summary.txt file (max 1 KB). Describe in five sentences or less the contents or value of the video. This file helps IEEE Xplore users to make downloading decisions.
  • ReadMe.txt file (max 10 KB). IEEE requires a plain text Readme file for multimedia contents. It must contain (1) An overall description of the objects, (2) Multimedia player information and (3) Author contact information. The author should provide contact information in case users have questions regarding the extended material. IEEE will not provide any technical support.
Note that both of the above files should be in plain text format and have a .txt extension. They are needed by IEEE in order to include the video in IEEE Xplore.
步骤 7 Upload the following files:
  • A PDF file of your paper that has passed the IEEE Xplore compliance test;
  • A single PowerPoint slide for the ARSO 2016 Digest based on the ARSO 2016 Digest Template
  • If applicable, a video plus a Summary.txt and ReadMe.txt file accompanying your paper (cf. 步骤 5). Unless video/readme/summary are ALL submitted, submission is not complete.
说明 如有问题请联系ARSO2016会议秘书处: IEEE-ARSO2016-Secretariat@hotmail.com