Attend the Conference


  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University(SJTU)
  • South China University of Technology (SCUT)
  • Guangzhou Risong Intelligent Technology Holding Co.,Ltd
  • Guangzhou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone


  • Robotics and Automation Committee of CWS
  • Welding Process & Equipment Committee of CWS
  • Automobile Committee of CWA
  • Chinese Welding Society(CWS)


  • Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES)
  • Chinese Welding Association (CWA)
  • Guangdong Province Welding Society (GWSC)
  • Guangzhou Welding Technology Institude
  • SNOMACH Intelligence Technology Co.,Itd
  • State Key Laboratory of AWJ(HIT)
  • Shanghai Key Laboratory of MLPM(SJTU)
  • to be confirmed

Plenary/Keynote Speakers


Prof. Shanben CHEN,

Distinguished Professor, Cheung Kong Scholar Program of Ministry of Education of P. R. China, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


• Shanben Chen received his B.S. degree in industry automation from Dalian Railway Institute (Dalian Jiao Tong University) in 1982, and received his M.S. and Ph.D. degree in control theory and application from Harbin Institute of Technology, P. R. China, in 1987 and 1991 respectively. • Prof. Chen is a Distinguished Professor, Cheung Kong Scholar Program* of Ministry of Education of P. R. China, and engaged in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. Prof. Chen is currently the director of Intellgentized Robotic Welding Technology Laboratory, School of Material Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. • Prof. Chen is a Senior member of IEEE; Chair of Robotics & Automation Committee of Chinese Welding Society (CWS); Deputy Secretary-General of Chinese Welding Society; Standing member of board of directors, CWS; and other academic positions. • As the Initiator, Executive General Chair and Program Chair, Prof. Shanben Chen successfully organized and presided over a series of International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (RWIA) Every four years from 2002, i.e, RWIA’2002, RWIA’2006, RWIA’2010 and RWIA’2014. • As the Initiator, Executive General Chair and Program Chair, Prof. Shanben Chen successfully organized and presided over a series of Chinse Conference on Robotic welding(CCRW) every two year from 1996, i.e., CCRW’1996, CCRW’1998, ……, so far to CCRW’ 2010, and CCRW’2014. • Prof. Chen’s research interests include intelligentized welding manufacturing, intelligentized technologies for welding robot, intelligent control of welding dynamical process, modeling and control of complex systems, robust control of uncertain systems, and relevant ranging in welding automation and advanced welding manufacturing.

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