Keynote and Invited Plenary
Keynote Plenary Speaker 1 (Oct. 25 a.m.)
Prof. Tzyh Jong Tarn , Washington University, St. Louis ,USA
Topic: Next Big Things in Robotics and Automation
Keynote Plenary Speaker 2 (Oct. 25 a.m.)
Prof. Bo ZHANG, Tsinghua University,P R China
Topic: Robotics in Web Age
Keynote Plenary Speaker 3 (Oct. 25 a.m.)
Prof. Toshio FUKUDA, Nagoya University/ Meijo Univ., Japan
Topic: Micro and nano robotic technology
Keynote Plenary Speaker 4 (Oct. 25 p.m.)
Prof., Li-Chen Fu , National Taiwan University,Taiwan
Topic: Harmony of Intelligent Robots in Human Society
Keynote Plenary Speaker 5 (Oct. 25 a.m.)
Prof., Yoshinori HIRATA, Osaka University, Japan
Topic: Research and Development of Arc Welding Processes for Automation in Welding in Japan
Keynote Plenary Speaker 6 (Oct. 25 p.m.)
Prof., Tianmiao WANG, Beihang University,
P R China
Topic: Next generational industry robot ?
Invited Plenary Speaker 1(Oct. 26 a.m.):
Prof. Xiao-qi CHEN, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Topic: Bio-inspired locomotion and control
Invited Plenary Speaker 2(Oct. 26 a.m.):
Prof. YuMing ZHANG,University
of Kentucky, USA
Topic: Modeling of human welder response for robotic welding
Invited Plenary Speaker 3(Oct. 26 a.m.):
Dr. Zhili Feng
Distinguished R&D Staff , Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Topic: Application of High Temperature Digital Image
Correlation for Welding Research
Invited Plenary Speaker 4(Oct. 26 a.m.):
A/Prof. Huijun LI
University of
Topic: Recent development of advanced welding technology in
Invited Plenary Speaker 5(Oct. 26 a.m.):
Prof. Dong DU,Tsinghua
University,P R China
Topic: Advanced Sensing and Control of Welding Processes
Invited Plenary Speaker 6(Oct. 26 a.m.):
Prof. Yanbin CHEN,Harbin
Institute of Technology,P.R.China
Topic: Applications of Advanced Robtic Welding Technology In
Spacec and Aviation
Invited Plenary Speaker 8(Oct. 26 a.m.):
Dr.Huajun ZHANG, ZMPC, P R China
Topic: 海上钻井平台桩腿高效智能焊接技术
Invited Plenary Speaker 7(Oct. 26 a.m.):
Prof. .Hua ZHANG,Nanchang
University,P R China
Topic: 移动焊接机器人技术及系统
Invited Plenary Speaker 9(Oct. 26 a.m.):
Prof. Shanben CHEN, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R.
Topic:On Intelligentized Welding Manufacturing Technology and
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Prof. Tzyh Jong TARN (谈自忠)
Senior Professor ,Washington University
Washington University, St. Louis,USA
Topic: Next Big Things in Robotics and Automation
Date:, Oct. 25 a.m. 2014
Professor Tarn is currently a Senior Professor in the
Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering at Washington University. He
also is the director of the Center for Quantum Information Science and
Technology at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.
An active member of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society,
Professor Tarn served as the President of the IEEE Robotics and Automation
Society from 1992 to 1993, the Director of the IEEE Division X (Systems and
Control) from 1995 to 1996, and was a member of the IEEE Board of Directors,
1995 to 1996.
In recognition and appreciation of his contribution to the
advancement of the technology on intelligent robots and systems, Professor Tarn
was the first recipient of the Nakamura Prize at the 10th Anniversary of IROS in
Grenoble, France in 1997. He was also the recipient of the prestigious Joseph F.
Engelberger Award of the Robotic Industries Association in 1999 for contributing
to the advancement of the science of robotics. He received the Pioneer in
Robotics and Automation Award in 2003 from the IEEE Robotics and Automation
Society. In 2010 he received the Einstein Chair Professorship Award from the
Chinese Academy of Sciences and the John R. Ragazzini Award from the American
Automatic Control Council. He was featured in the Special
Report on Engineering of the 1998 Best Graduate School issue of US News and
World Report and his research accomplishments were reported
recently in the “Washington Times”, Washington D.C., the “Financial Times”,
London, “Le Monde”, Paris, and the “Chicago Sun-Times”, Chicago, etc.
Dr. Tarn is a Fellow of IEEE and IFAC..
Keynote Plenary Speaker 2 (Oct. 25 a.m.)
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Prof. Bo ZHANG(张钹)
Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Tsinghua University,P R China
Topic: Robotics in Web Age
Date:, Oct. 25 a.m. 2014 |
He is now a
professor of Computer Science and Technology Department of Tsinghua University,
the fellow of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 1958 he graduated from Automatic
Control Department of Tsinghua University, and became a faculty member since
then. From 1980/02 to 1982/02, he visited University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, USA as a scholar. In 2011, Hamburg University awarded him
Honorary Doctor of Natural Sciences. He is now the member of Technical Advisory
Board of Microsoft Research Asia.
He is engaged in the research on artificial intelligence,
artificial neural networks, machine learning, and so on. And he also is engaged
in the research applying technology that applies the theories mentioned above
into pattern recognition, knowledge engineering, and robotics. In these fields,
he has published over 200 papers and 5 monographs (chapters). His monograph
involved “Theory and Applications of Problem Solving” in Chinese/English version
won the special-class prize of excellent academic monograph from College and
University Press awarded by State Educational Commission. His academic
achievement won ICL European Artificial Intelligence Prize, etc. In addition, he
took part in building up thee State Key Lab of Intelligent Technology and
Systems and served as director of the lab from 1990 to 1996.
Recently, he found research group for cognitive computation
and multimedia information processing. The group has got some important results
in machine learning, image and video analysis and retrieval.
他参与人工智能、人工神经网络、机器学习等理论研究,以及这些理论应用于模式识别、知识工程与机器人等技术研究。在这些领域,他已发表 200多篇学术论文和5篇(或章节)专著(中英文版)。他的专著获得国家教委高等学校出版社颁发的优秀学术专著特等奖。他的科研成果分别获得 ICL欧洲人工智能奖、国家自然科学三等奖、国家科技进步三等奖、国家教委科技进步一、二等奖、电子工业部科技进步一等奖以及国防科工委科技进步一等奖奖励。此外,他参与创建智能技术与系统国家重点实验室,于1990‐1996年担任该实验室主任。1987‐1994年任国家"863"高技术计划智能机器人主题专家组专家。
Keynote Plenary Speaker 3 (Oct. 25 a.m.)
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Prof. Toshio FUKUDA, Japan
Nagoya University/ Meijo Univ, Japan
Topic: Micro and nano robotic technology
Date:, Oct. 25 a.m. 2014 |
Toshio Fukuda received the B.A. degree from Waseda
University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1971, and the M.S and Dr. Eng. from the University
of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in 1973 and 1977, respectively.
In 1977, he joined the National Mechanical Engineering
Laboratory. In 1982, he joined the Science University of Tokyo, Japan, and then
joined Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, (1998-2013), where he was mainly
involved in the research fields of intelligent robotic and mechatronic system,
cellular robotic system, and micro- and nano-robotic system. He is Professor
Emeritus, Nagoya University, Professor at Meijo University and Professor,
Beijing Institute of Technology.
Dr. Fukuda is IEEE Region 10 Director (2013-2014) and served
President of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (1998-1999), Director of the
IEEE Division X, Systems and Control (2001-2002), and Editor-in-Chief of IEEE /
ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (2000-2002). He was President of IEEE
Nanotechnology Council (2002-2003, 2005) and President of SOFT (Japan Society
for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics) (2003-2005). He was elected as a
member of Science Council of Japan (2008-2014) and a member of Academy of
Engineering since 2013.
He received many awards, such as the IEEE Eugene Mittelmann
Award (1997), IEEE Millennium Medal (2000), IEEE Robotics and Automation Pioneer
Award (2004), Award from Ministry of Education and Science in Japan (2005). Best
Googol Application paper awards from IEEE Trans. Automation Science and
Engineering (2007), 2009 George Saridis Leadership Award in Robotics and
Automation (2009), IEEE Robotics and Automation Technical Field Award (2010).
IEEE Fellow (1995), SICE Fellow (1995), JSME Fellow (2001),
RSJ Fellow (2004), Honorary Doctor of Aalto University School of Science and
Technology (2010) and Honorary Professor of Deakin University ( Melbourne )
since 2011.
Keynote Plenary Speaker 4 (Oct. 26 a.m.)
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Prof., Li-Chen FU (傅立成)
National Taiwan University,Taiwan
Topic: Harmony of Intelligent Robots in Human Society
Date:, Oct. 26 a.m. 2014 |
Li-Chen Fu received the B.S. degree from National Taiwan
University in 1981, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of
California, Berkeley, in 1985 and 1987, respectively. Since 1987 till now, he
has been on the faculty and currently is a professor of both Department of
Electrical Engineering and Department of Computer Science & Information
Engineering of National Taiwan University. He has also served as the Secretary
General of National Taiwan University from 2005 to 2008, and in 2007 was awarded
Lifetime Distinguished Professorship from his university and Irving T. Ho Chair
Professorship from Irving T. Ho Foundation, respectively. His areas of research
interest include Robotics, Smart Home, Visual Detection and Tracking, Control
Theory & Applications, and Human Computer Interaction.
Dr. Fu has been extremely active and highly regarded in his
technical field. He was appointed as AdCom member of IEEE Robotics and
Automation Society before, and his most recent term is from 2004/1~2005/12.
Besides that, he served as the Program Chair of 「2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
(ICRA)」as well as the Program Chair of
「2004 IEEE Conference on Control
Applications (CCA)」, where both
conferences have been highly regarded by the international community. In terms
of the editorial work, he has served as Associate Editor of the prestigious
control journal, called Automatica from 1996 to 1999. Starting from 1999, he
started a new international control journal, called Asian Journal of Control,
and became an Editor-in-Chief of the journal till now. Due to his profound
academic reputation, he was appointed as Vice-President for Publication of Asian
Control Association (ACA) since 2006, and has been elected as President of ACA
since 2012.
Dr. Fu has received numerous recognitions for his outstanding
performance in research and education during his about twenty year technical
career. Domestically, he has received Outstanding Research Award during
1990-1993 and Distinguished Research Awards at the years of 1995, 1998, and 2000
from National Science Council, respectively, Outstanding Youth Medal in 1991,
Outstanding Engineering Professor Award in 1995 from Chinese Institute of
Engineers, Best Teaching Award in 1994 from Ministry of Education, Ten
Outstanding Young Persons Award in 1999, Outstanding Control Engineering Award
from Chinese Automatic Control Society (CACS) in 2000, Lee Kuo-Ding Medal from
Chinese Institute of Information and Computing Machinery in 2000,
Industry-Academia Collaboration Award from Ministry of Education in 2004, TECO
Technology Award in 2005, and Distinguished Research Fellowship from National
Science Council during 2001-2007, and University Level Industry Economic
Contribution Award from Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2010, and Outstanding
Research Award from Pan Wen Yuan Foundation, 2012. Internationally, he has been
awarded IEEE Fellow since 2004, and has been elected to be a Distinguished
Lecturer for IEEE Robotics and Automation Society during 2004-2005 and 2007.
Keynote Plenary Speaker 5 (Oct. 25 a.m.)
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Prof. Yoshinori HIRATA,
Osaka University, Japan
Topic: “Research and
Development of Arc Welding Processes for
Automation in Welding in Date:, Oct. 25 a.m. 2014
Prof. Hirata has been on Faculty of Engineering, Osaka
University for many years and interested in the dynamic behavior associated with
the welding processes such as metal transfer and weld pool behavior.
He received the degree of Dr.Eng. from Osaka University for the doctoral
thesis of “Fundamental Study on Pulsed Arc Welding”. Currently, at the university he teaches “Transport Phenomena”, etc. as professor
and conducts research works in the field of materials processing with arc
discharge and plasma including welding and joining technologies.
He was two times given the prize of “the Best Paper of the Year” in 1993
and 2010 by Japan Welding Society. In 2013 he was awarded “the Commendation for
Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
and Technology”.
He serves now as the president of Japan Welding Society for
the academic year of 2012 and 2013. He has contributed to IIW as the Chairman of
IIW Comm.XII, Arc Welding Processes and Production Systems, from 2011.
Keynote Plenary Speaker 6 (Oct. 26
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Prof., Tianmiao WANG(王田苗)
Beihang University, P R China
Topic: Next generational industry robot ?
Date:, Oct. 26 a.m. 2014
Wang Tianmiao, a distinguished Professor in Cheung Kong
Scholars and director of the key laboratory of service robotics. Prof. Wang is
with mechanical engineering and automation school, Beihang
University. He was awarded Distinguished Youth Scholar of National Science
Foundation, an expert of the government allowance, and selected expert of New
Century Talents Project. He is the head of the expert group in the fields of
robot, advanced manufacturing technology ,and key projects of service robots of
the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Hi-Tech
In recent years, he works on the research of embedded
intelligent control, industrial robot and service robot, etc. He has many
breakthroughs both in theory and technology, including security mechanism
design, spatial calibration, surgical planning in medical surgical robot;
propulsion mechanism, efficient maneuver control in bionic underwater vehicle;
core embedded operation system and graphical programming. He has more than ten
invention patents and three publications. Besides, more than eighty of his
papers published in important journals and international meetings are included
by SCI and EI. His received awards include the second prize of National
Scientific and Technological Progress Award, the first price of China Machinery
Industry Science and Technology Progress Award, the first price of The National
Electronic Industry Science and Technology Progress Award, second price of the
National Defense Science and Technology Progress Award, second price of the
National Aviation Scientific and Technological Progress Award, second price of
Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award, etc.
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Prof. Xiao-qi CHEN,
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Topic: Bio-inspired locomotion and control
Date:, Oct. 26 a.m. 2014
XiaoQi Chen is a professor in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, University of Canterbury. He graduated from South China University
of Technology with BEng in Mechanical Engineering in 1984. He was a recipient of
China-UK Technical Co-Operation Award for his MSc study in Materials Technology,
Brunel University (1985 – 1986); and PhD study in Electrical Engineering, the
University of Liverpool (1986 – 1989). In 1999, he led a research team that won
the prestigious “Singapore National Technology Award” for their success in
developing the first-its-kind robotic system for polishing and grinding
distorted 3D aerofoils of High Pressure Turbine (HTP) vanes.
Prof Chen was the founding Chair of IEEE Robotics and
Automation New Zealand Chapter, and the founding President for New Zealand –
China Society of Science and Technology (South Island). Prof Chen’s research
interests cover bio-mechatronics, mobile robotics, assistive device and
technology. He has authored and co-authored over 200 referred publications, and
edited two books; and is inventor of 6 patents. His patented technology on wall
climbing robot led to a spin-off company Invert Robotics Limited which won 2012
New Zealand Ministry of Science and Innovation Start-Up Award
Invited Plenary Speaker 2 (Oct. 26 a.m.):
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Prof. YuMing ZHANG
Professor and James R. Boyd Professor in Electrical
Engineering Engineering
University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA
Topic: Modeling of human welder response for robotic welding
Date:, Oct. 26 a.m. 2014
YuMing Zhang has been with the University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Kentucky, USA since 1991 where he is currently Professor and the
James R. Boyd Professor in Electrical Engineering and directs the Welding
Research Laboratory. He also holds visiting positions at Beijing University of
Technology and Harbin Institute of Technology.ute of Technology.
He received
his BS and MS degrees in control major from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)
where he finished his PhD degree in welding major in 1990 under Professor Lin Wu
and Professor Dehua Chen. His research in innovative welding processes and
sensing and control of welding processes at the University of Kentucky has
continuously been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and brought
him over 150 peer-reviewed journal publications, 7 US patents, and recognitions
including Donald Julius Groen Prize from The Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, United Kingdom, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control)
Congress Poster Paper Prize (2002), IFAC Congress Application Paper Finalist
(2002), and numerous awards from the American Welding Society (AWS). Three of
his PhD students received the Henry Granjon Prize (2013, 2012, 2009) from the
International Institute of Welding (IIW). YuMing Zhang is also a Fellow of the
AWS and a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Invited Plenary Speaker 3 (Oct. 26 a.m.)
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Dr. Zhili Feng
Distinguished R&D Staff , Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Topic: Application of High Temperature Digital Image
Correlation for Welding Research
Date:, Oct. 26 a.m. 2014
Dr. Zhili Feng is Group Leader of Materials Processing and
Joining Group, and a Distinguished R&D Staff of Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
He manages a diverse R&D portfolio aimed at addressing the materials processing
and joining needs from automotive, aerospace, nuclear, petrochemical and power
generation industries. His primary interest is in
thermal-mechanical-metallurgical behaviors of materials during processing and
joining. Most recent work included integrated computational welding engineering
(ICWE), proactive weld residual stress control and management, friction stir
welding and processing, characterization of weld by advanced neutron and
synchrotron scattering, and novel solid-state joining processes of dissimilar
metals. Dr. Feng received his PhD in Welding Engineering from the Ohio State
University. He is a Fellow of the American Welding Society, a Joint Faculty
Professor of University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Guest Professor of Tsinghua
University. Dr. Feng has broad interactions with industry, and extensive
experience in solving critical industry problems.
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A/Prof. Huijun LI University of Wollongong Topic: Recent development of advanced welding technology in Australia Date:, Oct. 26 a.m. 2014
A/Prof Li obtained a PhD degree in 1996 from the University
of Wollongong; He has 18 years research experience in materials science and
engineering. He has published more than 200 papers in the field of welding
metallurgy, new alloy development, surface engineering, nuclear materials and
microstructure characterization.
In 1995, he joined CRC Materials Welding and Joining as a
postdoctoral research fellow at University of Wollongong. In 2000, he took a
research scientist position at Materials Division, ANSTO (Australian Nuclear
Science and Technology Organisation), he worked on a wide range of research
projects in conjunction with the CRC Welded Structures, CRC CAST3, CRC Rail,
British nuclear research organisations and American national laboratories.
A/Prof. Li started working at University of Wollongong from July 2008; he is a
full time research only staff with Defence Materials Technology Centre (DMTC)
and Energy Pipeline CRC (EPCRC).
A/Prof Li is currently leading Welding Engineering Research
Group at University of Wollongong, he is supervising (or co-supervising) 18 PhD
students and 6 postdocs; he is leading numbers of research projects within DMTC
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Prof. Dong DU(都东)
Tsinghua University, P
R China
Topic: Advanced Sensing and Control of Welding Processes
Date:, Oct. 26 a.m. 2014
Invited Plenary Speaker 6(Oct. 26 a.m.):
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Prof. Yanbin CHEN
Harbin Institute of Technology,P.R.China
Topic: Applications of Advanced Robtic
Welding Technology In Spacec and Aviation
Date:, Oct. 26 a.m. 2014
Invited Plenary Speaker 7 (Oct. 26 a.m.):
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Dr.Huajun ZHANG
Director of Welding Technology, ZMPC, P R China
Topic: 海上钻井平台桩腿高效智能焊接技术
Date:, Oct. 26 a.m. 2014
张华军,1978生,博士,高级工程师,上海振华重工(集团)焊接研究所所长。上海海工装备高效智能焊接制造工程技术研究中心副主任。主要从事厚板机器人焊接技术、厚板高效焊接工艺、焊接数值模拟等方向应用研究工作,在国内外期刊上发表论文50余篇,专著3本,获科技奖10项,国家发明专利18项,主持国家发改委、国家863计划、中俄国际合作、国家自然基金、国家博士后基金、上海市启明星、上海市科技攻关、中国交通建设集团科技攻关、国家焊接重点实验室基金、上海振华重工重大研发项目等近20项。曾获“振华重工优秀员工”, “振华重工科技创新领军代表”,“振华重工优秀党员”,入选
“振华重工劳动模范”,中国交通建设集团“优秀青年科技人才”和“优秀科技专家”, “上海市启明星人才计划”。
Prof..Hua ZHANG
Director of the Key Robot Lab of Jiangxi Prov., Nanchang
University,P R China
Topic: 移动焊接机器人技术及系统
Date: Oct. 26 a.m. 2014
Plenary Speaker 9(Oct. 26 a.m.):
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Prof. Shanben CHEN, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R.
Topic: On Intelligentized Welding Manufacturing Technology and Systems
Date:, Oct. 26 a.m. 2014
Shanben Chen (陈善本) is
engaged in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. He is the director of
Intellgentized Robotic Welding Technology Laboratory, School of Material Science
and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. From Apr. 2000 to present, he
has been awarded the Special Professor position, Cheung Kong Scholar Program of
Ministry of Education of P. R. China & Li Ka Shing Foundation, Hong Kong.
Prof. Chen’s research interests include the intelligentized
technologies for welding robot, intelligent control of welding dynamical
process, modeling and control of complex systems, robust control of
uncertain systems, and relevant ranging in welding automation and advanced
welding manufacturing.
Prof. Chen is the author or co-author of 7 academic books and
more than 300 magazine papers. He has been charged with more than 30 research
projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and other
chinese national scientific and technology program, he has hold more than 20
National invent patents of China in the field of information sensing, modeling
and intelligent control of robotic welding Process. Prof. Chen has received 8
main scientific and technological awards authorized by National Scienses and
Technology Ministry or other Ministry of China.
Prof. Chen is a Senior member of IEEE; A
member of America Welding Society; Chair of Robotics & Automation Committee of
Chinese Welding Society (CWS); Deputy Secretary-General of Chinese Welding
Society; Standing member of board of directors, CWS; and other academic
现任美国电气工程师学会高级会员(IEEE Senior Member)、中国焊接学会常务理事、机器人与自动化专业委员会主任等学术任职。