



Introduction to Professor Chen Shanben, founder of Intelligentized Robot Welding Technology Laboratory

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Prof. Shan-Ben CHEN

Intelligentized Robotic Welding Technology Laboratory

School of Materials Science and Engineering,

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

No.800, Dongchuan Road, Shanghai, 200240, P. R. China

Email: sbchen@sjtu.edu.cn,


Professor Shanben Chen (S.B. Chen or Shan-Ben Chen) received his B.S. degree in industry automation from Dalian Railway Institute (Dalian Jiao Tong University) in 1982, and received his M.S. and Ph.D. degree in control theory and application from Harbin Institute of Technology, P. R. China, in 1987 and 1991 respectively. He worked as postdoctoral fellow at The National Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding Production of China in Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) from 1993 to 1995, as professor and supervisor for doctoral candidates from 1995 to 2000, at HIT. Prof. Chen was awarded the Distinguished professor, Cheung Kong Scholar Program* of Ministry of Education of P. R. China & Li Ka Shing Foundation, Hong Kong, and engaged in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China from Apr. 2000.

Prof. Chen is currently a Senior member of IEEE; A member of America Welding Society; The former Chair of Robotics & Automation Committee of Chinese Welding Society (CWS) from 1995~2022; and other academic positions.

Introduction to the main research work

Prof. Chen’s research interests include intelligentIzed robotic welding, intelligentized welding manufacturing, complex system modeling and control and other interdisciplinary research. Explore the scientific problems and the key technologies of making the traditional welding process from "handicraft" to "science" and "machine instead of human welding". The main innovative contributions are as follows:

(1)   Methodology of visual sensing, modeling and intelligent control of arc welding  dynamical process and complex systems

Developed the artificial intelligence methods, such as multi-information sensing and  fusion, computer vision, knowledge modeling and intelligent control, to solve the problem of dynamic process control of arc welding melting pool under complex process conditions, achieved a series of original and innovative research results.

Proposed the Linear quadratic optimal control of L2 bounded uncertainty system- - -LQL method; And it formed a theoretical research system with such as the famous W-H, LQG and H∞, and has an important theoretical significance to the robust control system.

Developed the modeling and control method of Petri network and multi-agent (MAS) based on sensing information according to the characteristics of discrete event (DE) in the intelligent welding manufacturing system.

Proposed the hybrid logic dynamic (MLD) modeling and control methods of the hybrid arc welding dynamic system; and the hybrid intelligence (HI) evaluation method of intelligentized robot welding process and its intelligentized welding manufacturing system.

(2) Key technology and realization of intelligentized welding robot systems and intelligentized welding manufacturing:

Prof. Chen’s research on combining the development trend of intelligent science and advanced manufacturing technology, explore the traditional manual welding operation from "handicraft" to "science", i.e. “machine instead of human welding”.

●Proposed the concept and research field of welding intelligentized manufacturing engineering (WIME), and systematic research on the WIME corresponding scientific foundation, key technology and welding intelligent manufacturing technology.

Developed the key technology of local autonomous intelligentized welding robot and system for the series achievements of welding intelligentized manufacturing technology / system (IWMT / S)

Developed and manufactured an intelligent in welding flexible manufacturing cell (IWFMC) with 9 freedom degrees, a Local Autonomous Intelligent Welding Robot (LAIWR) system with 7 freedom degrees and visual serving and real-time feedback intelligent controller for welding dynamic process, and full-position autonomous welding robot with wheel-foot combination cross-barrier (APAWR). A series of innovative results have been obtained in the key technology research and system development of intelligent and autonomous welding robot.

● Developed as supporting technology in the construction of "Welding Intelligent Manufacturing Workshop" (IWMW), and the series research results of intelligentized robotic welding technology (IRWT) applied in ship manufacturing, aerospace vehicle manufacturing, energy equipment, automobile manufacturing and other industries.


Main research achievements:

Prof. Chen is the author or co-author of 12 academic books and more than 300 peer-reviewed journal papers. His main papers were published in IEEE Trans.  Automatic Control, IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and CyberneticsWelding Journal, J. of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Int. J. of System Sciences and other primary international academic magazines. Prof. Chen has been charged with more than 50 research projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and other national scientific and technology program of China, he has hold more than 60 invent patents and 30 software copyrights of China in the field of information sensing, modeling and intelligent control of robotic welding Process. Prof. Chen has received 8 main scientific and technological awards authorized by the China's of Science and Technology of China, Ministry of Education or other Ministry of China.

   The main completed projects

The project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC):The MAS-MLD Modeling and Coordination Control Methods for Intelligent Welding Manufacturing System", 2019.01-2022.12, the PI of the project.

The project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): On-line prediction and prevention of porosity defect formation during Al alloy GTAW process by multi-information fusion, 2016.01-2019.12, the PI of the project. 
The project of the NSFC: MLD modeling and control method for the hybrid system characteristics of intelligentized welding robot systems2014.1—2017.12, the PI of the project.
The project of the NSFC: Real-time prediction and control of the weld defect during  Al alloy TIG welding based on intelligent processing of arc information 2011.1—2013.12, the PI of the project.
The project of the NSFC: Mixed Logic Dynamic modeling and control of welding process, 2009.1—2011.12the PI of the project.
The key project of the NSFCIntellgent control technology and systems of robotic space seam welding quality,1997.1-2000.12the co- PI of the project..
The project of the NSFCSoft-computing rough sets modeling and control of complex controlled objects,2005.1—2007.12the PI of the project.
The project of the NSFC: Modeling of GTAW pool surface and real time visual computing methods, 2006.1—2008.12the PI of the project.
The project of the NSFC: Time domain robust optimal control method for uncertain systems with L2 bounded uncertainties,1995.1-1997.12the PI of the project.
The project of the NSFC: Robust optimized designing method of time-delay uncertain system ,1999.1-2001.12the PI of the project.
The project of the NSFC: Fuzzy reasoning – artificial neural network control of pulsed GTAW dynamical process, 1996.1-1998.12the PI of the project.
The project of the National 863 High Technology Plan of China: All position autonomous welding robot with wheel—foot combination over obstacle, 2009.1—2010.12the PI of the project.
The key foundation project of Shanghai Science and Technology committee, P. R China: Study on element problems of intelligentized technologies for wedling process 2009.10-2011.10the PI of the project.
The project of the Science Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, Knowledge modeling method for welding dynamical process based on rough set theory,No.200202480152002.10-2005.10the PI of the project.
The key technology project of Shanghai Science and Technology committee, P. R China: The local-surroundings autonomous intelligent welding robot and systems, 2002.10-2004.10the PI of the project.
The key foundation project of Shanghai Science and Technology committee, P. R China: Study on element problems on intelligentized material hot manufacturing 2006.10-2008.10the PI of the project.
Research project from the Sweden ABB Company: Recognition and Tracking Seam, and Autonomous Control of Weld Shaping Based on Visual Sensing for the ABB Arc Welding Robot,2006.10-2008.10the PI of the project.
Research project from the Sweden ABB Company: Tracking seam system with arc sensing of the ABB welding robot, 2008.10-2009.10the PI of the project.
Research project from the Japan DAIKIN Company: Visual Sensing Technology for TIG Welding, 2007.9-2009.10the PI of the project.
Research project from the Germany KUKA Company: Development of visual sensing system of KUKA welding robot,2008.08.01——2009.09.30, the PI of the project.
INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH INITIATIVES SCHEME (IRIS) of University of Western SydneyUWSfor International Visiting Fellow (engaged as the Visiting Professor of UWS from Jun.,2009), the title of the Project :“Autonomous multi-robot system in welding”.
The project of Australian Research council (ARC Linkage: “A vision controlled Autonomous multi-robot welding system”Project ID:LP0991108., 2009-2014, the principal in China.

The Representative Publications*
Representative papers
SB. CHEN“Hybrid intelligence problems in intelligent welding manufacturing systems”, Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing (TIWMvol.3 No.2, pp1-29, 2020.

● SB. Chen“On Intelligentized Welding Manufacturing”, The Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag,Vol. 363, pp3-34, 2015.
● Chen S B, Lv N. “Research evolution on intelligentized technologies for arc welding process,”.Journal of manufacturing processes, vol..16 109–122
2014 (Invited papers for Special Issue on Recent Developments in Welding Processes).
● Chen S. B.; Wu J.; Du Q. Y.
“Non-linear modelling and compound intelligent control of pulsed gas tungsten arc welding dynamics,” PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART I-JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND CONTROL ENGINEERING  Vol: 225( I1): 113-124, 2011
● S. B. Chen, "Research evolution on intelligentized technologies for robotic welding at SJTU," Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation, LNEE v 88, pp. 3-14, 2011, Springer.
● S. B. Chen, 2007, "Visual Information Acquirement and Real-time Control Methodologies for Weld Pool Dynamics during Pulsed GTAW,” The invited paper of the THERMEC’2006, Journal  Materials Science Forum vols. 539-543, Mar. 2007
● S. B. Chen., 2007, On the Key Intelligentized Technologies of Welding Robot, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences
LNCIS 362pp.105-116, Springer
● S .B. Chen, X.Z. Chen, J.Q. Li, T. Lin, 2005, “Acquisition of Welding Seam Space Position Information for Arc Welding Robot Based on Vision,” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems ,vol.43, pp77-97.
● S. B. Chen, et al., 2004.  “Intelligentlized technologies for robotic welding”, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, LNCIS vol. 299: 123-143
● Chen Shanben, et al., 2003, “On intelligentized technologies for modern welding manufacturing,” Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol.16, No.4, pp367-370

● S. B. Chen, Y.J.Lou, L.Wu, D.B. Zhao, 2000, ”Intelligent Methodology for Measuring, Modeling, Control of Dynamic Process During Pulsed GTAW ---Part I Bead-on-plate Welding,” Welding Journal, vol.79, No. 6, pp151s-163s.
● S. B. Chen, D. B. Zhao, L. Wu, Y. J.Lou, 2000, ”Intelligent Methodology for Measuring, Modeling, Control of Dynamic Process During Pulsed GTAW - - Part II Butt Welding,”  Welding  Journal, vol.79, No.6 , pp164s-174s
● S. B Chen
Y. Zhang T. QiuT Lin., 2003, “Robotic Welding Systems with Vision Sensing and Self-learning Neuron Control of Arc Weld Dynamic Process”, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, vol.36, No.2, pp191-208.
● S. B. Chen, L. Wu, Q. L. Wang, 1997, "Self-learning fuzzy neural networks for control  of uncertain systems with time delays," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol.27 No.1, pp142-148.
● S. B. Chen, L. Wu, Q. L. Wang, Y.C.Liu, 1997, "Self-learning fuzzy neural networks and computer vision for control of the pulse GTAW," Welding Journal, vol.76, No.5, pp201s-209s
● S. B. Chen, F. E. Zhang, Q. Zhang, L. Wu, 1994,"On the existence of solution of the general algebraic Riccati equation," International Journal of Systems Science, vol.25, No.11, pp2023-2029.
● S. B. Chen, 1993,"The robust optimal control of uncertain systems--state space method,", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.38, No.6, pp951-957

The main book publications
● S. B. Chen, J. Wu, “ Intelligentized Technology for Arc Welding Dynamic Process,” Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, LNEE 29, Germany, Nov, 2009(monograph)
● S. B. Chen, T Lin, ” Intelligentized Technologies for Welding Robots,” Mechanical Industry Press, China, Beijing, Jan., 2006 (in Chinese).

● S. B. Chen, Y. H. Fan, ”Linear Square Optimal Robust Control with L2 Uncertainties – LQL Method,” Science Press, Beijing, China, Oct. 2003 (in Chinese).
● S. B. Chen,” Modern Control Methods for Welding Process,” Press of Harbin Institute of Technology, May, 2001 (in Chinese).

● Lv, N., Chen, S. B.. Key Technologies of Intelligentized Welding Manufacturing: Welding Arc Acoustic Sensing and Monitoring Technology. Springer Nature,2020. (monograph)

● Huang, Y. M., Chen, S. B.. Key Technologies of Intelligentized Welding Manufacturing: The Spectral Diagnosis Technology for Pulsed Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of Aluminum Alloys. Springer, (2019).(monograph)

● Lin Wu, S. B. Chen, ”Intelligentized Welding Technologies,”National Defence Industry Press, China, Beijing,July, 2000(in Chinese).

● S. Y. Lin, S. B. Chen, ” Welding Robots and Applications,” Mechanical Industry Press, China, Beijing, Aug., 2000(in Chinese).

● T. J. Tarn, S. B. Chen and X Q Chen, “Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation, ” The Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 363, Springer, 2015
● T. J. Tarn, S. B. Chen and G. Fang., “Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation,” LNE88, Springer, 2011
● T. J. Tarn, S. B. Chen and C. J. Zhou,   “Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation,” LNCIS 362, Springer, 2007.
● T. J. Tarn, S. B. Chen and C. J. Zhou, “Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation,” LNCIS 299 Springer, 2004.


Preside and hold the academic conferences
● As the Initiator, Executive General Chair and Program Chair, Prof. Shanben Chen successfully organized and presided over a series of Chinse Conference on Robotic welding(CCRW) every two year from 1996, i.e., CCRW’1996, CCRW’1998, ……, so far to CCRW’ 2022.

● As the Initiator, Executive General Chair and Program Chair, Prof. Shanben Chen successfully organized and presided over a series of International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (RWIA) Every four years from 2002, i.e, RWIA’2002, RWIA’2006, ……,so far to RWIA’2022.

● As the Executive General Chair, Prof. Shanben Chen successfully organized and presided over the 2016 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (IEEE ARSO’2016). July 7-10, 2016, Shanghai, P. R. China  
● As the Initiator, General Chair, Prof. Shanben Chen successfully organized and presided over a series of International Workshop of Intelligentized Welding Manufacturing (IWIWM), every two year from 2017, i.e., IWIWM’2017, IWIWM ‘2019, … … , so far to IWIWM’ 2023. As the academic and technical exchange platform of welding intelligent manufacturing, IWIWM has a leading role in promoting the cutting-edge scientific research and technological innovation of intelligent welding manufacturing;

● As one of the chief editors of the founding issue, Prof. Shanben Chen founded  "Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing (TIWM)" under Springer in 2017, which has edited and published more than 5 volumes and 20 issues. As a professional journal in the field of welding intelligent manufacturing, the TIWM collects and displays the cutting-edge scientific research and technological innovation achievements of intelligent welding manufacturing.

Slected plenary, keynote speech and invited papers for academic conferences
S. B. ChenHybrid Intelligence Problems in Intelligentized Welding Manufacturing Systems,” Keynote speech, The 76th IIW Annual Assembly & International Conference on Welding and JoiningJuly 20-22, 2023, Singapore.

● SB. Chen“On Hybrid intelligence problems in intelligentized welding manufacturing systems”, Keynote Speech, 2018 International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (RWIA’2018), Dec. 7-10, 2010, 2018, Guangzhou, P. R. China.

● S. B. Chen”Intelligentized Robot Technology in Welding Manufacturing,” The keynote speech, 2016 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (IEEE ARSO’2016). July 7-10, 2016, Shanghai, P. R. China
● S
B. Chen“On Intelligentized Welding Manufacturing”, Keynote and Plenary Speech, 2014 International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (RWIA’2014) Dec. 24-27, 2014, Shanghai, P. R. China.
● S. B. Chen
“Development of Intelligentized Welding Manufacturing Technologies –from Intelligentization of Units ,Systems and Production Workshop” Keynote Speech, 2014 International Intelligent Manufacturing Conference--2014 International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Manufacturing Technology
● S. B. Chen
“Intelligentized Technologies for Welding Manufacturing Process” Keynote Speech, 2013 International Forum of Intelligent Welding Technology( “IFWT 2013), Shanghai China.
● S. B. Chen
“Intelligentized Technologies for Welding Manufacturing", invited paper and invited speech at the 15th International Conference on “Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2012)”. Wollongong, Australia from 23-26 September 2012.
● S. B. Chen
”Intelligentized Technologies for Modern Welding Manufacturing Process” The Panel Discussion on Intelligent Automation at 2011 World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA2011) Taiwan during June 21-23, 2011
● S. B. Chen
“Intelligentized Technologies for Robotic Arc Welding Process,” The Tutorials at 2011 World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA2011) Taiwan during June 21-23, 2011
● S. B. Chen
” Research Evolution on Intelligentized Technologies for Arc Robotic Welding at SJTU”, Proceedings on the 2010 International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (RWIA’2010), Oct. 14-16,2010, Shanghai, China
● S. B. Chen, W. Y. Wang, H. B. Ma, “Intelligent Control Of Arc Welding Dynamics During Robotic Welding Process,” the invited paper of the THERMEC’2009, Proceedings on International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, Berlin, Gemany, Aug. 25-29,2009.
● S. B. Chen, “Visual Information Acquirement and Real-time Control Methodologies for Weld Pool Dynamics during Pulsed GTAW,” the invited paper and invited speech at the THERMEC’2006, Proceedings on International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, Vancouver, Canada, July 4-8,2006
● S. B. Chen “Intelligentized Technologies for welding
” .Keynote and Plenary Speech. 10th Chinese Conference on WeldingOct.5,2001Tianjin, P R China.
● S. B. Chen ,“The Status and Development of Intelligent Technology for Welding in China,” Keynote and Plenary Speech. The First International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME’2000), Shanghai, China, Nov., 2000.12.
● S. B. Chen, “Intelligentlized technologies for robotic welding,” Keynote and Plenary Speech.2002 Int. Conf. on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (RWIA’2002), Dec. 9-12,2002, Shanghai, China.
● S. B. Chen
“On the Key Intelligentized Technologies of Welding Robot” , Keynote and Plenary Speech2006 Int. Conf. on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (RWIA’2006), Dec. 8-11,2002, Shanghai, China.
● S. B .Chen, “Recent Development of Intelligentized Technologies for Robotic Welding,” Keynote and Plenary Speech.1996
Chinse Conference on Robotic welding- CCRW‘1996, Jan. !996, Harbin.



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