




更新时间:2010/5/7 16:23:28 阅读:6403 次

Personnel Recruitment by Intelligentized Robotic Welding Technology Laboratory of School of Materials Science and Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU-SMSE)

(1) Academic Leaders in Support wanted
Scholars less than 45 years of age with a doctorate as well as having post-doctoral work experience
Job Description:
1. Have recognized achievements made in scientific research of Automation and Intelligence of Welding and Material Processing or Automatic control or Robot and Intelligence Science.
2. Have published some Influential papers or monographs in international famous journals of related scientific field.
3. Preside or Chief Researching in important scientific research projects of domestic or international
4. Have Science and Technology Awards or Academic Awards of domestic or international.
5. Be capable of setting up the core curriculum of one’s research fields.
6. Other data that can prove one’s Academic contribution and influence.

The above conditions will be considered comprehensively and in special case the age limited could be extended to 50.

(2) Mainstay Young Teachers wanted
Scholars less than 35 years of age with a doctorate as well as having post-doctoral work experience
Job Descriptions:
1. Have recognized achievements made in scientific research of Automation and Intelligence of Welding and Material Processing or Automatic control or Robot and Intelligence Science.
2. Have published high quality papers in domestic or international core journals of related scientific field.
3. Presiding or Chief Researching in important scientific research projects of domestic or international.
4. Have Science and Technology Award or Academic Award of domestic or international.
5. Be capable of teaching the core curriculum of one’s research fields.
6. Other data that can prove one’s scientific research achievements and academic potential.

(3) Postdoctoral Researchers
Excellent PhDs recently graduated from Automation and Intelligence of Welding and Material Processing or Automatic control or Robot and Intelligence Science.

If you are willing to apply, please offer the resume which including your 2 inches photo, your papers (monographs) catalog and other information such as awards information to:

Professor Chen Shanben

Add: No.800, Dongchuan Road, Shanghai, Intelligentized Robotic Welding Technology Laboratory of School of Materials Science and Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 200240
Tel: 021-34202740*801


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