



Prof.Chen lauched the lectures in WSU

更新时间:2009/10/1 13:36:49 阅读:6152 次

Professor Chen was invited to visit the University of Western Sydney of Australia during July 16th to August 2nd in 2009. During this period, he called on Associate Prof. Li Huijun, and Dr. Pan Zengxi in University of Wollongong University on July 24th. Both sides had a discussion on the research of welding Automation and future cooperation and personnel exchange matters. As a return visit, Dr. Pan Zengxi, Australian University of Wollongong University, visited our laboratory and introduced welding automation-related research in Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong on Aug. 12th, 2009; Professor Chen Shanben with Dr. Pan Zengxi discussed their future cooperation in the field of welding automation in research and exchange of staff.



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