



Prof. Chen Xiaoqi from University of Canterbury visit the Lab

更新时间:2012/2/6 12:13:24 阅读:5936 次
      On Jan 9th, 2012, Chen Xiaoqi, professor of University of Canterbury and visiting professor of SJTU, gave a speech at Intelligentized Robotic Welding Technology Laboratory (IRWTL) of SJTU, entitled “Latest Developments in Autonomous Wall-climbing Robots”. Prof. Zhao Yanzheng, Prof. Fu Zhuang from School of Mechanical Engineering, and students from IRWTL attended the lecture and discussed about technical cooperation on Autonomous Wall-climbing Robot.
       Personal profile: Dr.Chen Xiaoqi is a professor of Mechanical and electrical engineering in the University of Canterbury. Also, he is an IEEE Senior Member and the founder of IEEE’s New Zealand branch .He has published 160 papers or so in journals and conference proceedings, two books and six patents.


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