- 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering
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更新时间:2013/2/16 13:59:28 阅读:9520 次
● Selected papers published in international magazines
[w1] Chen S B, Lv N. “Research evolution on intelligentized technologies for arc welding process,”.Journal of manufacturing processes, 2013, 15(4): 45-65. (Invited paper)
[w2] Zhang, Z., Chen, X., Chen, H., Zhong, J., & Chen, S. (2013). Online welding quality monitoring based on feature extraction of arc voltage signal. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-11.(Online)
[w3] Minghui Wu, Gen Pan, Tao Zhang, Shanben Chen, Fu Zhuang and Zhao Yan-zheng. Design and Optimal Research of a Non-Contact Adjustable Magnetic Adhesion Mechanism for a Wall-Climbing Welding Robot. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2013, 10(63)
[w4] Zhang Z F, Yu H, Lv N, Chen S B.. Real-time Defect Detection in Pulsed GTAW of Al Alloys Through On-line Spectroscopy[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 213(2013),pp.1146-1156.
[w5] Huanwei Yu, Yanling Xu, Na Lv, Huabin Chen, Shanben Chen. Arc spectral processing technique with its application to wire feed monitoring in Al-Mg alloy pulsed gas tungsten arc welding. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2013, 213(5): 707-716
[w6] Huanwei Yu, Huabin Chen, Yanling Xu, Zhifen Zhang, Shanben Chen. Spectroscopic diagnostics of pulsed gas tungsten arc welding plasma and its effect on weld formation of Al-Mg alloy. Spectroscopy Letters, 2013, 46(5): 350-363 (SCI index)
[w7] Huanwei Yu, Zhen Ye, Shanben Chen. Huanwei Yu, Zhen Ye, Shanben Chen. Application of arc plasma spectral information in the monitor of Al-Mg alloy pulsed GTAW penetration status based on fuzzy logic system. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, 68(9-12): 2713-2727 (SCI index)
[w8] Na Lv, Yanling Xu, Jiyong Zhong, Huabin Chen, Jifeng Wang, Shanben Chen. Research on Detection of Welding Penetration State during Robotic GTAW Process based on Audible Arc Sound[J]. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 2013, 40(5): 8-18. (SCI index)
[w9] Na Lv, Yanling Xu, Zhifen Zhang, Jifeng Wang, Bo Chen, Shanben Chen.Audio sensing and modeling of arc dynamic characteristic during pulsed Al alloy GTAW process. Sensor review, Vol.33,Iss. 2,pp.141-156,2013.
[w10] Lv N, Xu Y, Zhang Z, Shanben Chen.. Audio sensing and modeling of arc dynamic characteristic during pulsed Al alloy GTAW process[J]. Sensor Review, 2013, 33(2): 7-7. (SCI index)
[w11] Yanling Xu, Jiyong Zhong, Minyan Ding, Huabin Chen, Shanben Chen. The Acquisition and Processing of Real-time Information for Height Tracking of Robotic GTAW Process by Arc Sensor. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 65, Issue 5-8, 1031-1043, 2013.
[w12] Zhen Ye, Gu Fang, Shanben Chen, Ju Jia Zou, Passive Vision Based Seam Tracking System For Pulse-MAG Welding, The international Journal of advanced manufacturing technology (Article in Press, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-012-4625-y)
[w13] Zhen Ye, Gu Fang, Shanben Chen, Mitchell Dinham, A robust algorithm for weld seam extraction based on prior knowledge of weld seam, Sensor Review, 2013, 33(2), 125-133
[w14] * Chen S. B.;Ye Z,Fang G.,“Intelligentized Technologies for Welding Manufacturing", invited paper and invited speaker in the 15th International Conference on “Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2012)”. Australia from 23-26 September 2012. To be appeared in the Journal Materials Science Forum vols., 2013(EI)
[w15] Y.L. Xu, H.W. Yu, J.Y. Zhong, T. Lin, S.B. Chen,(2012) "Real-time seam tracking control technology during welding robot GTAW process based on passive vision sensor ", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 212 Iss: 8,pp.1654-1664. (SCI)
[w16] Yanling Xu, Huanwei Yu, Jiyong Zhong, Tao Lin, Shanben Chen. Real-time Image Capturing and Processing of Seam and Pool during Robotic Welding Process. An International Journal: Industrial Robot, 39 (5), 513-523, 2012. (A Highly Commended Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013) (SCI index)
[w17] Yanling Xu, Na Lv, Jiyong Zhong, Huabin Chen, Shanben Chen. Research on the Real-time Tracking Information of Three-dimension Welding Seam in Robotic GTAW Process Based on Composite Sensor Technology. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic systems, 68(2), 89-103, 2012. (SCI index)
[w18] Xi-Zhang Chen, Yu-Ming Huang, Shan-ben Chen, (2012) "Model analysis and experimental technique on computing accuracy of seam spatial position information based on stereo vision for welding robot", Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 39 Iss: 4, pp.349 - 356
[w19] * Chen S. B.;Ye Z,Fang G., “Intelligentized Technologies for Welding Manufacturing", invited paper and invited speaker in the 15th International Conference on “Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2012)”. The conference will be hosted by the University of Wollongong, Australia from 23-26 September 2012. To be appeared in the Journal Materials Science Forum vols., 2012
[w20] * Chen S. B.; Wu J.; Du Q. Y.,“Non-linear modelling and compound intelligent control of pulsed gas tungsten arc welding dynamics,” PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART I-JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND CONTROL ENGINEERING Vol: 225( I1): 113-124, 2011
[w21] Ma, H., Wei, S., Li, L., Lin, T., Chen, S.,“ Mixed logical dynamical model of the pulsed gas tungsten arc welding process with varied gap,” PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART I-JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND CONTROL ENGINEERING, 225(3), pp 270-280, 2011.
[w22] * Minghui Wu, Xiaofei Gao, W.X. Yan, Z. Fu, Yanzheng Zhao, Shanben Chen, (2011) "New mechanism to pass obstacles for magnetic climbing robots with high payload, using only one motor for force-changing and wheel-lifting", Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 38 Iss: 4, pp.372 - 380
[w23] * Shanchun Wei, Meng Kong, Tao Lin, Shanben Chen, (2011) "Three-dimensional weld seam tracking for robotic welding by composite sensing technology", Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 38 Iss: 5, pp.500 – 508
[w24] Hongbo Ma, Shanchun Wei, Zhongxi Sheng, Tao Lin, Shanben Chen. “Robot welding seam tracking method based on passive vision for thin plate closed-gap butt welding,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2010,48(9):945-953
[w25] Hongbo Ma, Shanchun Wei, Tao Lin, Shanben Chen, Laiping Li. ”Binocular vision system for both weld pool and root gap in robot welding process,”. Sensor Review, 2010,30(2):116-123 .
[w26] * Hongbo Ma, Shanchun Wei, Tao Lin, Shanben Chen.,”Mixed logical dynamical model for back bead width prediction of pulsed GTAW process with misalignment,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2010,210(14):2036-2044
[w27] *Chen, Bo, Wang, Jifeng; Chen, Shanben,“ Prediction of pulsed GTAW penetration status based on BP neural network and D-S evidence theory information fusion,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v 48, n 1-4, p 83-94, 2010
[w28] *Chen, Bo, Chen, Shanben,“Multi-sensor information fusion in pulsed GTAW based on fuzzy measure and fuzzy integral,” Assembly Automation, v 30, n 3, p 276-285, 2010
[w29] *Bo CHEN, JiFeng WANG, and ShanBen CHEN, “A Study on Applications of Multi-sensor Fusion in Pulsed GTAW,” Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Volume 37, Issue 2, 2010,pp168-176
[w30] * Shanchun Wei, Hongbo Ma, Tao Lin, Shanben Chen. “Autonomous guidance of initial welding position with single camera and double positions” method. Sensor Review,30(1):62-68, 2010
[w31] * X.Z. Chen, S. B. Chen, “The autonomous detection and guiding of start welding position for arc welding robot,” Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Volume 37, Issue 1, 2010,pp70-78. .
[w32] * Hong-yuan Shen, Tao Lin,, Shan-ben Chen,ect., “Real-time seam tracking technology of welding robot with visual sensing,” Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, vol.59: 283-298 2010.
[w33] FengLin LV, HuaBin CHEN, ChongJian FAN, and ShanBen CHEN, “A Novel Control Algorithm for Weld Pool Control,” Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Volume 37, Issue 1, 2010,pp89-96.
[w34] * Fan Chongjian, Lv Fenglin, Chen Shanben,“Visual sensing and penetration control in aluminum alloy pulsed GTA welding,”International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,42:126-137, May 2009. .
[w35] * J.F. Wang, Lv Fenglin, S.B. Chen.“ Analysis of arc sound characteristics for Gas tungsten argon welding,” Sensor review, vol.29,No.3,240-249,2009.
[w36] J. F. Wang, W. Y. Wang, S. B. Chen, “Inspection of welding Pool Height from Shading in pulsed GTAW with wire filler,” Industrial Robot,36(3),pp.270-276, 2009.
[w37] Fanhuai Shi, Tao Lin, Shanben Chen, “Efficient weld seam detection for robotic welding based on local image processing,” Industrial Robot: An International Journal, vol.36,No.3:277-283, 2009.
[w38] FanHuai SHI,XiXia HUANG,Ye DUAN,ShanBen CHEN, ”Part-based Model for Visual Detection and Localization of Gas Tungsten Arc Weld Pool,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2010)47:1097-1104. .
[w39] * S. B. Chen, W. Y. Wang, H. B. Ma, "Intelligent control of arc welding dynamics during robotic welding process",the invited paper of the THERMEC’2009, Journal of Materials Science Forum Vols. 638-642, 2010
[w40] Chen H.B, Lv F.L, Lin T, Chen S.B, "Closed-loop control of robotic arc welding system with full-penetration monitoring", Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, vol.56,no.5: 565-578 2009,
[w41] T. Lin, H.B. Chen,W.H. Li, Chen S.B,”Intelligent methodology for sensing, modeling and control of weld penetration in robotic welding system,” Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol 36,No. 6,pp.585–593,2009.
[w42] * Bo CHEN,JiFeng WANG, ShanBen CHEN, “Modeling of Pulsed GTAW based on Multi-sensor Fusion,” Sensor Review, 2009,29(3),pp.223–232
[w43] XiXia HUANG, FanHuai SHI, Wei GU and ShanBen CHEN, “SVM-based Fuzzy Rules Acquisition System for Pulsed GTAW Process,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol 22(8): pp. 1245-1255 2009. .
[w44] XiXia HUANG, Wei Gu, FanHuai SHI, and ShanBen CHEN, “An Adaptive Inverse Control Method based on SVM-fuzzy Rules Acquisition System for Pulsed GTAW Process,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 44, Issue 7-8, Oct. 2009, pp. 686-694. .
[w45] Huang X.X, Pan J.S, Qian C.J, Shi F.H, Chen S.B.,”Knowledge and mechanistic models for carbon potential correction,” International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 60-63, 2008
[w46] * Lv F.L, Wang J.F, Fan C.J, Chen S.B,”An improved model-free adaptive control with G function fuzzy reasoning regulation design and its applications,” JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND CONTROL ENGINEERING,222(18):817-828, 2008.
[w47] * Li W.H, Chen S.B , Wang B,”A Variable Precision Rough Set Based Modeling Method for Pulsed GTAW,” International journal of advanced manufacturing technology 36(11-12):1072-1079 APR 2008.
[w48] Shen, Hong-yuan,Wu, Jing,Lin, Tao, Chen Shan-ben, “Arc welding robot system with seam tracking and weld pool control based on passive vision,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 39(7-8): 669-678 NOV 2008.
[w49] KONG MENG, CHEN SHAN-BEN, “Al Alloy Weld Pool Control Of Welding Robot With Passive Vision,” Sensor review, 29 (1), pp. 28-37,2008.
[w50] Shen H.Y., Wu J., Lin Tao, Chen S.B. ,”Arc Welding Robot System with Seam Tracking and Weld Pool Control Based on Passive Vision,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 39(7-8): 669-678, 2008
[w51] * S. B. Chen, 2007, "Visual Information Acquirement and Real-time Control Methodologies for Weld Pool Dynamics during Pulsed GTAW,” The invited paper of the THERMEC’2006, Journal Materials Science Forum vols. 539-543, 2007
[w52] * Ma, G.H; Chen, S B, T. LIN., “Modeling and controling the FMS of a welding robot,” INTERNATIONAL J.OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECH., 34 (11-12): 1214-1223, 2007.
[w53] * Ma, G.H; Chen, S.B, “ Model on simplified condition of welding robot system,INTERNATIONAL J.OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECH., 33 (9-10): 1056-1064 2007. SCI:000248119900024
[w54] Shen H.Y., Ma H.B., Lin T , Chen S.B, 2007, “Research on Weld Pool Control of Welding Robot with Computer Vision,” Industrial robot, 34 (6): 467-475.
[w55] * Du Q Y, Chen S B, Lin T, 2006, ”Inspection of weld shape based on the shape from shading,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 27 (7-8): 667-671 .
[w56] * Zhou L, Lin T, Chen S B,2006 ,“Autonomous acquisition of seam coordinates for arc welding robot based on visual servoing,”Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 47 (3): 239-255 .
[w57] Chen H B, Yan K, Lin T, Chen S B., 2006 ,“The investigation of typical welding defects for 5456 aluminum alloy friction stir welds,” Materials Science and Engineering: A 433 (1-2): 64-69 .
[w58] Chen X Z, Chen S B, Lin T, et al.,2006 ,“Practical method to locate the initial weld position using visual technology,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 30 (7-8): 663-668 .
[w59] Huang X X, Chen S B, 2006, ”SVM-based fuzzy modeling for the arc welding process,” Materials Science and Engineering: A 427 (1-2): 181-187, .
[w60] * S .B. Chen, X.Z. Chen, J.Q. Li, T. Lin, 2005, “Acquisition of Welding Seam Space Position Information for Arc Welding Robot Based on Vision,” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems ,vol.43(1),pp77-97. .
[w61] Li Laiping, Chen Shanben, Lin Tao, 2005, “The modeling of welding pool surface reflectance of aluminum alloy pulse GTAW, “ Materials Science and Engineering: A, 394: 320~326 .
[w62] * G. J. Zhang, S. B. Chen, L. Wu, 2005, “Intelligent control of pulsed GTAW with filler metal ,” Welding J. vol.80, No.1: pp9s-16s .
[w63] Qu Y D, Cui C S, Chen S B, et al., 2005 “A fast subpixel edge detection method using Sobel-Zernike moments operator,” IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING 23 (1): 11-17
[w64] Qu Y D, Cui C S,Chen S B ,2005, “PID Control of Deposit Dimension during Spray Forming”, Journal Materials Science Forum, Vols. 475-479,page 2811--2817
[w65] Wang J J, Lin T, Chen S.B., 2005, ”Obtaining of weld pool vision information during aluminum alloy TIG welding,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol.26:219-227, 2005
[w66] Wang B., Chen S. B., Wang J. J., 2005, ”Rough set based knowledge modeling for the aluminum alloy pulsed GTAW process,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 25 (9-10): 902-908
[w67] Zh.Y.Zhu, T.Lin, Y.J.Piao, S.B.Chen,2005, “Recognition of the initial position of the weld based on the image pattern match technology,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol.26:784-788.
[w68] L. P. Li, S.B.Chen, and T.Lin, “The Light Intensity Analysis of Passive Visual Sensing System in GTAW,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol.27:106-111,2005.
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