



Our lab has been granted the fund of Website Construction of Scientific and Research Bases at the Third Group of SJTU 985 Project

更新时间:2013/3/10 21:46:14 阅读:8115 次
    Accoording to informations from the Division of International Cooperation and Exchange of SJTU, our laboratory’website has been granted the fund of “Internationalization of information construction at the Third Group of SJTU 985 Project - Website Construction of Scientific and Research Bases”. The project is to encourage the professional English website construction of the research groups for promoting development of the international academic exchange and improving the University’s impact in the world.
    Our laboratory’webside was initially founded in 2002 and paid more attention to the website construction in Chinese and English version. It played an important role in holding the first, second and third International Conference on the Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation(RWIA’2002,RWIA’2006,RWIA’2010). At the same time it has been used in showing the lab research results, encouraging academic exchange at home and abroad, and presenting CCRW every two year. It also played an important role in intercommunion with Joint Laboratory's with those renowned enterprises in the world, like the ABB, KUKA, FANUC, KEMPP and so on.
   This support granted from SJTU will further promote our Lab’s academic exchanges and cooperation at home and abroad, and further upgrade the level of laboratory’s internationalization, as well as the laboratory’s influence in the world.


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