



新加坡国立大学高等机器人研究中心职位招聘 [Postdoctoral Posit...

更新时间:2013/10/24 11:59:41 阅读:9742 次
新加坡国立大学高等机器人研究中心现有职位招聘:博士后(Reseasrch Fellow, NUS-STAFF)、或长期短期交流人员(NON-NUS-STAFF)。

根据项目需要,欢迎有以下相关方向研究经验的申请人:焊接过程监测(焊缝跟踪), 传感器融合 等
有意向者请将个人简历(包括个人情况、教育经历、研究经历、科研项目情况、代表性论文等)相关资料发送至 bierh@nus.edu.sg or srl@nus.edu.sg.

Job Description:

Robust sensing and perception are essential modules for any robotic welding and finishing system to sense, understand, and interact with the environment in real-time and productively. The specific objectives include the developments of software packages to provide modules for inspection, process monitoring, and safety for welding and finishing processes and advanced robust sensing technologies for improved welding and finishing process in uncertain environments.

This project is one of the eight working packages of the industrial robotics project. Prospective candidates applying for this position (minimum of 1 year and maximum 3 years) will join a team working with researchers from other leading research agencies in Singapore on research and development of intelligent sensing and perception technologies and systems using affordable sensors for industrial robotic welding and finishing, including the algorithm design and implementation, system integration and testing on the industrial robotic platform, etc. In particular,

- Software packages to provide modules for process monitoring (seaming tracking, surface roughness measurement, weld pool status monitoring, etc.).

- Advanced robust sensing techniques for improved welding and finishing process control in uncertain and outdoor environments (Robust compressed sensing algorithm, quality inspection, etc.)


- PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a background in robotic vision.
- Good at project management
- Strong C/C++ programming skills.
- Excellent communicator, ability to working in a team, learn quickly and enthusiastically.
- Preferably working experience on software/hardware development and system integration in relevant subjects such as industrial robotic surveillance, welding and finishing operation, etc.

Remunerations will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Qualified candidates are invited to express their interest in applying the position by sending us the following documentations in a single PDF file to the email: srl@nus.edu.sg and ren@nus.edu.sg:

1. Detailed CV (resume) including a list of publications.
2. Copies of recent best research publications.
3. Any other supporting documents that can demonstrate the qualifications and experiences of the applicants in related areas.
